Saturday, February 23, 2008

Luputa - Time to go home

Time to go home. We packed up and headed back to Mbuji Mayi where we would spend the night before flying back to Kinshasa. The roads had not improved any since coming if anything they were worse because of the heavy rain.

We stopped along the side of the road and parked in a yard to have lunch. Our driver Alphonse, went to turn around and backed into a field of tall grass that was pretty steep and then couldn’t get out we were stuck fast. We all climbed out of the back of the truck and the guys tried pushing him out to no avail. Sis. Livingstone started fixing lunch in the back of the other truck, cutting avocadoes in half and filling them with tuna. She had all the avocadoes cut and laid out on the seat when a big truck loaded with people and produce came by, stopped and offered to help get the truck out. They had a tow rope so they tied the rope between our two trucks and with Sis. Livingstone fixing lunch in the back they slammed the door and started bouncing and maneuvering around to pull the other truck out. It all happened so fast but the picture I didn’t get was Sister Livingstone catching air in the back of the towing truck and the avocadoes flying everywhere. She assured us as we ate our lunch that not one avocado hit the floor but we fell down laughing as she bounced around in the back trying to keep the avocadoes in place and yelling at the top of her lungs, “Wait, wait, the avocadooooooooos!”.

The family living where we decided to picnic were very gracious. They let us take their picture and use their latrine. A young boy took me to the latrine and then squatted showing me how to use it. The larine was a hole iin the ground but was surrounded by a small hut made of twigs with a thatched roof. Not as bad as I thought it would be. This was a first for me. Their yard was very clean and they had beautiful vegetable gardens and fruit trees. We shared some cheese wedges with them and some granola bars and candy. They loved the treats and the adults were as excited as the kids.

We braved the restaurant at the Hotel in Mbuji Mayi and slept on a bed that formed to your body and would not allow you to turn over without a great deal of effort. Our adventure was coming to an end and we were so pleased with all that was accomplished during our time in Luputa. Now all that was left to do was sign the contract with ADIR and get going.

What a choice experience we had meeting wonderful people, seeing more of God’s beautiful world and bonding with our fellow missionaries and leaders. We will make this trip at least two more times during our mission and we will look forward to the experience.

1 comment:

  1. From the first Luputa blog to the last...all I can say is Wow! I just can't stop smiling.

    You are both WONDERFUL!!!
