Monday, June 30, 2008

Malueka BYC

The other day Bishop Kuteka from the Malueka Ward met Elder and Sister Moon in the Distribution Center. He told them he was reading in his Bishop's Handbook about Bishops Youth Council. He was wondering how to form this council, how to run it and what it's purpose was. Elder Moon invited him to the mission office where he and Elder Barlow sat down with him and talked about BYC.

This bishop wants to follow the handbook and understands that if he follows the programs as outlined many of the ward problems are solved just by using the handbook and he can be assured he is following the programs in the way they were intended, to strengthen his ward.

They spent time explaining to him that BYC was the tool he could use to train his young men and young women how to be leaders and would help his presidencies function to reach their full potential. He invited Elder Moon and Elder Barlow to meet with his council and train them how to function.

After attending Sacrament meeting Elder and Sister Moon and Farrell and I meet with the Bishop's Youth Council and Elder Moon taught the group while Farrell translated. The whole committee was in attendance along with the full bishopric. They had a great meeting.

Elder Moon talked about how the adult leaders were to be shadows to the class presidencies. They were to counciil and direct but to stand back and let the youth lead the council. You could see the lights go on as the members caught the vision of the program. At one point Bishop Kuteka wanted to instruct the group but he set the Priest Quorum assistant (who was conducting the meeting) directly in front of him and told the assistant what to teach the council exemplifying the shadow concept that Elder Moon had taught. They were taught each concept from the handbook and shown how to adapt it to their ward.

The meeting ended with a wonderful prayer offered by the YW Pres. True to "Mormon"standards refreshments were served by the bishop.

We love watching the church grow here in the Congo. Bishop Kuteka is a great example of how using the handbook will strengthen a ward and help each member be successful in their callings. Life is so different here but the gospel is the same here as it is anywhere else.

We honor our bishop in his efforts to lead his ward. They grow stronger each week under his leadership. We can't wait to see how BYC functions after this training.

"Lead me, guide me, walk beside me. Help me find the way. Teach me all that I must do to live with Him someday."

1 comment:

  1. We love the BYC program in our Ward. It sound like the concept was taught clearly and Bishop Kuteka has learned the basic principles of the meeting faster than most. Tiffany and I talk often about how much fun it would be to see you two teach.
