Sunday, September 18, 2016

Our MTC experience (again).  One week of Preach My Gospel and it was worth our time.  We had done it all before but then it never hurts to review and  then we got to partake of the missionary atmosphere of the MTC which can't be beat.  Thousands of people preparing to go out and serve.  Got to love it.

We have always loved  to listen to Elder Bednar's talks in conference, looking forward to see what inspiration we might get to change and improve our lives.  While in the MTC we got a real Bednar fix.  We heard him speak 3 times that week, twice in video and once at the devotional.  We want to share what we learned during this time.

Elder Bednar came and taught us a great idea for studying the book of Mormon.  He said to ge t a paperback BofM and choose a topic you want to learn about such as the "One on One" and as you read mark everything in the book relating to that topic.  He stated that he had many paperback Book of Mormon's sitting on his shelf as his study reference.  

He taught us about The Character of Christ and the principle of one by one. He asked us to pay attention to this principle as we read the scriptures and note the examples of how this was practiced and also how to apply this principle in our daily lives.  As you study the scriptures look for the pattern of 'One to One'.

After teaching this principle of One by One he introduced his new song he had written and told the story of his desire to write a children's song and asking Paul Cardall to help him.  The song was sung to us by the MTC choir and 5 children.  It was so beautiful and such a treat to hear the story and listen to the song prior to it being released in the New Era.  

Another principle he taught was about our relationship with the Holy Ghost.  He explained that we often will not know we are being prompted and may never know but that we should always be ready to act on good thoughts as they are promptings from the Spirit.

He told the story of the 20 Mark Note.  This is referenced in a talk by Boyd K. Packard.20 Mark Note

The story from his side is that while serving in the missionfield he got a call from a missionary that was in the airportand was stranded.  He said his name was Elder Packard.  Elder Bednar racked his brain trying to remember a missionary in their mission by the name of Packard and finally ralizing he was talking to THE Elder Packard he and his companion went to the airport and picked Elder Packard up along with his wife.  They returned to the Mission home (mission president was out of town) and eventually took them to the train station as they were able to get tickets on the train.  This is where Elder Bennars story ended but 20 years later when he was serving as a Stake President in Alabama, Elder Packard came to a regional meeting to meet with the stake presidents.  Elder Bednar asked him if he remembered getting grounded in Germany and having to take the train to which Eldler Packard said he did remember and related the story that he told in his talk.  The point of Elder sharing this story was that he did not remember giving Elder Packard any money nor did he know anything about the intervention of the Holy Ghost in this incident.  . . . we often will not know we are being prompted and may never know . . .
Do; you wonder if the spirit is speaking to you? Quit worrying about it and . . . just be good boys and girls.

Our take on this experience in the MTC was focus on relationships, one on one experiences, emulate the Savior in our daily actions and allow the Holy Spirit to work through you by just being good.

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