Sunday, September 18, 2016


We wanted to share with you or learning experience with Elder Bednar.  Before he came to Lubumbashi he asked us to read 4 talks that he had written.  We ask that you too read these talks before we share our learning experience with you.  read them with the intent of learning something you didn't know, building on something that you have already started to learn or as a refresher of things that you haven't thought about for awhile.  After you have read them contemplate and ask yourself what you have learned and how these things will change your life.

"Always Retain a Remission of Your Sins"

"Seek Learning by Faith"
Address to CES Religious Education Feb 3, 2006  Jordan Institute of Religion (can't find a link)

"Ask In Faith"

"Convert Unto the Lord"

This was such a special experience we want to share it with you.  After you have read and pondered these talks.  We will share with you our thoughts and feelings.  We ask that you also share what you; learned, how you will apply it to your lives and what questions do you wish you could ask ElderBednar.
If you take the challenge please post your thoughts in the comments of this blog  
The following are our thoughts.
1.  Father in Heaven knows me, he knows my name.
2. Just be good and the Holy Ghost will be able to use me in many ways whether I am aware of it or not.
3. One by one is a principle I can practice daily with who ever I meet realizing everyone is a child of our Father in Heaven and each one is important to him and therefore to me.
4.  Conversion is a process.  I will continue to work toward having my actions show I am truly converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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