Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Gift of Mobility

Mobility is another thing that most of us take for granted. We jump in our car and drive to work, pick up some groceries or take the kids to school. We walk 3 miles for exercise and complain if we have to mow the lawn.

Mobility in Kinshasa is a daily task and quite an adventure as most people do not have cars and have to take commvies. (See past blog). Transportion is in high demand and many times we see people pushing and shoving to get on a bus or commvie so they can get to their destination in a timely manner. Many people just walk where ever they have to go and 10 miles is not a big deal.

If you are handicapped and unable to walk mobility is very limited. Imagine standing on the side of the road with 50 other people fighting to get transportation except you are on the ground on your hands and knees. Impossible!

The gift of mobility is priceless as most people can not afford the $330 to purchase a wheelchair. They don't even have a hope of ever affording a wheelchair for trasnportation. So that is why it is such a wonderful experience to see people given the opportunity for independence and mobility through the gift of a wheelchair.

This past week 21 wheelchairs given to people. That is 21 dreams came true. Twenty one people now have the freedom of mobility. These wheelchairs were a gift, a hand up for those whose hands were hanging down.

Anticipation is high as people wait for their name to be called.

What does this really mean to these recipients?

It means that fathers can take resposibility and help generate income to care for their famlies

It means mothers can go outside and play with their children and be independent in the care of their children.

It means opportunities to qualify for jobs they have up to now been unqualified for.

It means a person can be independent and care for themselves.

It means dignity and being lifted out of the desperation one can feel when they have no control over their own life.

It means a great deal to 21 people who received a gift of a wheelchair on July 8, 2008.



  1. I am in tears over these photos. To get a glimpse of what these sweet brothers and sisters had to endure before receiving their wheelchairs is life-altering. Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. (Amy says) Thanks, Carrie, for forwarding this link. I was moved to tears and shared these photos with my children to show them how blessed they are to have their health and their prosperity, and to make them aware that there are others in the world who can use our help. Thanks, Barlows, for what you are doing! Wow!

  3. I love you guys and treasure your posts. Don't ever stop! This wheelchair project is completely amazing and you have blessed us by posting these beautiful pictures of these beautiful people. Thanks, Cuzzin' Linda Rich

  4. (Keith says)"The gift of mobilty" was overwhelmingly touching. I can't even imagine the emotion that must have been present to actually witness it. Thank you for sharing. What a blessing to have you two as such great examples. Love ya!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I absolutely loved this beautiful video of these people receiving their wheelchairs. Kim and I have just been called to serve on the Church Humanitarian Wheelchair Initiative committee and will receive training in October. Then we will be sent on two different trips somewhere in the world next year to train professionals to fit wheelchairs and train people to assemble wheelchairs. We are so excited and I am praying that we get sent to my beloved Africa so that Kim can see why I love that continent so much!
    You are having such incredible experiences in the DRC. I'm sure it will be hard to leave those people when your mission ends. We love you and are so proud of the work you are doing!
    Love you tons. Your cousin, Gaye
