Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Wheelchair video

Wheelchair Project


  1. Wow. Very powerful. I broke my own rule and watched this while at work. Big mistake. I had to explain why I'm a teary eyed mess.


  2. It was awesome to be able to see this as footage and not just still pictures. It was really touching...I'm choking back the tears. You guys are doing some amazing service there. I'm sure it's so rewarding to be apart of. Keep up the good work. We're all looking forward to you coming home soon, too!

  3. I hope none of my partners come into my office right now. They will think my case is going poorly, and that I am overly emotional ...

  4. Thanks for the cry. I cried when I saw the pics and even more so over the video.

  5. People in my ward were talking about this vid in the halls at church today. Everyone is in tears over this.

    I have never felt so grateful before for all the simple blessings in my life.
